Wendy Rule 
 Do you have a particular title that you feel comfortable with when it comes to your religion. Like Pagan, Wiccan, Witch, Wise woman, Shamaness, etc?
<Wendy> I usually refer to myself as a Witch, and feel comfortable telling people that I'm Pagan. Although my spiritual practice in based on Wicca, I deviate enough from its more conventional form that it doesn't really fit. I use alot of Shamanic practices, and am very improvisational and free form in my approach to Magic.

 How long have your practiced the craft?
<Wendy> All my life, I think! I began really applying myself and calling myself Witch about 15 years ago.

 Do you have rituals with others or just as a solitary?
<Wendy> I often create community celebrations for the sabbats at my concers. Everyone will be invited to contribute to an altar, and we'll raise energy together. 
I also run classes on Witchcraft for small groups of women, so I'm often participating in group work. Mostly, though, I do ritual with my boyfriend or by myself.

 Have you ever come across any predudices with the songs you sing?
<Wendy> I tend not to receive any negative feedback about my songs. I think that here in Australia there is a broader acceptance of  Witchcraft than in the States. 
I think that the emotional content of the songs can be confronting for people, and also my willingness to explore the powers of Darkness and Death in a healing way is confronting, but people tend to deal with it pretty well.
        Parts of Former interviews

     (Not all are in full or listed on website.)
You say that you are  Eclectic Wiccan.  Can you explain that?
<Willow>    Sure, I consider it to have a basis in wiccan ritual format and style, usually calling on both the Lord & Lady in some form, but not keeping to rigid forms, like British  Traditions. If the form of the goddess you want to call is Bast, that's fine,  but it keeps the basic east/south/west/north orientations and the 8 sabbats in some form as a framework like a canvas to paint your own vision onto.

  What do you mean Earth Wisdom?
<Willow>Mostly practical things, but along with learning the daily life skills you have to learn the other things too. Like the taboos and how to gather things so you don't offend the plants and the land. How to not take more than you need, how to leave offerings and pray before you gather anything

What would you suggest to people who want to be open about being a witch?
<Willow>It takes a lot of guts. Don't be obnoxious about it, be kind and gentle and informative if you're asked anything.  Have a few responses in your mind for the times you are asked.  If you're going to wear a pentacle out or otherwise to show the world your faith be prepared.
    Use it as a teaching opportunity. Never be snippy or rude, you are representing your faith, your deity, and everyone else in your faith. You may be the only witch the person has ever met.  Even though they may have met some witches but not known it because they hid their pentacle or other symbol.  Also,  if you're out, you have a responsibility to represent your faith in a good light to the public. If you don't, you'll do more harm, than good.

Willow Polson 
 The music of the "Opening" song of the Circle of Seasons cd is very nice. Was that song meant to cleanse to?
<Lisa> I That opening is like the boat that takes you to Avalon to create an energy that would prepare peole to recieve the music. Cleansing in the sense that one woud leave behind teh mundane world and it's energies to be in a more receptive state.

 Could you share with us how do you celebrate Ostara?
<Lisa> Personally, I make magic eggs with runes and designs for my new intention. I put runes and other symbols for my various ancestors, and my intentions and put the egg on my altar as an intention to manifest what the egg symbolizes.
  At our retreats we have an elaborate celebration of the Maiden aspect including reassing our personal identity and consciously creating a new vehicle for our spiritual expression for the year. I also wear fairy crowns etc to celabrate the joy of renewal

  What could you tell us about your cd Journey to the Goddess?

<Lisa> I wanted to put my Goddess songs on a Cd- These are a collection of my personal healing/ magical songs that span over a tewnty year period. The songs include some of my sacred Archetypes
  Can you define what a "White Witch" is? 
<Laura> A White Witch is a witch that practices white magick. I know there are some that say there is no such thing as white or black magick, but I disagree. I know white witches, and I know black witches. A white witch is one who follows the wiccan rede and the rule of three. She purposely makes sure all her magick is for the good of all. Not so with black magick. I always tell non-Pagans a White Witch is the best friend you could ever have! 

In your book "White Witch" you say that Lughnassad is a Sabbat for Patience. Can you explain this and what this sabbat means to you??
<Laura>  Lughnassad takes place in august. It is the perfect sabbat for patience. The harvest hasn't yet come into the fields. You have to wait a few more months to be able to reap your harvest in the natural world. Likewise, that period just before manifestation is the toughest for us when working a spell or working toward a goal.
   This sabbat is a good one to keep in mind for those times when you get a little squirrelly and think about jumping the gun, which will ruin what you have been working toward. Patience, something we all need more of, I think

 How do you feel about the new people coming into the craft today?
<Laura> I think it is great. the more people we have coming into the craft the more accepting I think the general public will become, which means more pagan products on the shelves. I can only see good coming from it.
 Lisa Thiel 
 Laura Stamps
You lead a online Wiccan community. Could you tell us the name and a little about it?

I lead both the face to face and an online coven so have the best of two worlds. Oak and Mistletoe (www.oakandmistletoe.com.au) is a teaching coven following the tradition of Inclusive Wicca. We have a busy forum, online rituals, a full teaching program where every student has a personal tutor and a whole range of shared activities.
Amethyst Treleven
1. Upon being a highly spirited person with many talents, what do you feel was your strong driving force that ignited you towards your career?

I was strongly influenced by Shawna Carol, who recorded an amazing CD called "Goddess Chant". It was my first intoduction to that kind of music and I was completely blown away by it. I had experienced chant for ritual prior to that, but hadn't heard any CD's dedicated to the Goddess.

2, Your song "I walk with the Goddess" is such a highly spirited song. That everyone seems to feel the spirit of the Goddess within it. Could you tell us what it was like for you, creating a song like that?

I was hanging out with a good friend of mine, Leandra Walker, and I was talking about recording another CD. She said to me "I've never written anything before except for this - I walk with the goddess, the goddes walks with me." I said to her that it was pretty good, actually! I couldn't get it out of my head and on the way home that night in the car, I wrote the "I Walk With the Goddess" chant. This chant has been dubbed a pagan anthem and is sung by Goddess lovers all over the globe. I've been told that it will some day be known as a pagan traditional song. I feel very proud about that! 

3. Do you have a particular path or spiritual title that you prefer and why. (ex. Pagan, Witch, Wiccan, etc.)?

I call myself a Pagan. To me, a Pagan is someone who practices Earth based spirituality. I'm very eclectic in my practice, drawing from all my various ancestries and their respective mythologies, such as Norse, Celtic, Greek and Native American.

4. More and more people are becoming aware and some even open to the Craft. Have you felt or noticed this in the past 3 years?

I've walked the pagan path for 20 years now, and have performed in the pagan world for 10 years. I really don't notice a difference over the last few years. I've found groups and pockets of Pagan communities all over the country. I guess one difference would be that there are more festivals and events available to the greater Pagan community. 

5. Could you share with us how you celebrate Mabon?

I have two groups in New England that I do Harvest Chant Circles with, and the last 3 years and also next year will be celebrating Mabon at the Earth Warriors Festival in South Western Ohio.. 

6. What words of encouragement would you give to anyone wanting to pursue a career involving a connection with the Goddess?

Live your dream and be loud and proud about who you are. Don't water it down for other people. I believe it is crucial to our community that we don't hide who we are and what we believe..
